Published inTDS ArchiveApple M2 Max GPU vs Nvidia V100 (Part 2): Big Models and Energy EfficiencyCompare Apple Silicon M2 Max GPU performances and energy efficiency to Nvidia V100 for training CNN big models with TensorFlowFeb 7, 20248Feb 7, 20248
Published inTDS ArchiveApple M2 Max GPU vs Nvidia V100, P100 and T4Compare Apple Silicon M2 Max GPU performances to Nvidia V100, P100, and T4 for training MLP, CNN, and LSTM models with TensorFlow.Nov 2, 202322Nov 2, 202322
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Published inTDS ArchiveTensorFlow 2.4 on Apple Silicon M1 : installation under Conda environmentInstall arm64 TensorFlow alpha and other ML packagesDec 20, 202012Dec 20, 202012
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Compare TensorFlow performances on CPUs and GPUsFor many people Deep Learning means using GPU but is it always true in any situation and for any kind of network?Jun 10, 2019Jun 10, 2019
Deep Learning on a Mac with AMD GPUSince Apple is only providing AMD GPUs in its computers, Data Scientist working on MacOSX are facing limitations when trying to train Deep…Jun 16, 20184Jun 16, 20184